Darryl Dias

08 Aug 2019 in

When opening a .mud file you might get a warning error that states the following, File version is too new or is corrupt.

This could be due to the following reasons:


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04 Aug 2019 in

Recently while I was trying to unlock my Cryptomator folder that is stored on my external storage device, Cryptomator kept displaying the error “wrong password” even if I typed in the correct password.


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20 Jul 2019 in

Blender is a fantastic open-source 3D animation software, it knows to make people say, “wait Blender can do that too!”.


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17 Jun 2019 in
To increase the manipulator size in [Maya](/tag/maya/) press `+` and to decrease the manipulator size press `-`, these are the keyboard shortcuts to adjust the manipulator size. [(more…)](https://darryldias.me/20...

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28 Jan 2019 in

I discovered the one skill that will help you get what you want, it will take you to the next level, if you control it and don’t let it control you.


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