Darryl Dias

11 Mar 2023 in neovimtutorials

To enable relative line number, add the following line to your init.lua.

vim.wo.relativenumber = true

Save this file by doing a :w or Shift + z repeat z.

The next time you open Neovim, you should see the relative line number enabled.


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10 Mar 2023 in windowstutorials

To install Microsoft Office on Windows 10/11 using Winget you first need to ensure that you have Winget installed on the PC. To do this run the following command in a command prompt windows or windows terminal.

winget --version

If Winget is already installed this command will print the version n...

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08 Mar 2023 in windowstutorials

To install Mozilla Firefox using Winget, you first need to ensure that you have Winget installed on your Windows 10/11 PC. You can check if Winget is installed by opening a command prompt or Windows Terminal instance and running the following command.

winget --version

If Winget is installed, thi...

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22 Jan 2023 in linuxrocky linuxkubernetestutorials

Minikube is a tool that makes it easy to run a single-node Kubernetes cluster locally on your computer. It allows developers to test and experiment with Kubernetes without needing a remote cluster. Minikube runs a virtual machine on your local machine and then deploys a cluster inside that virtual m...

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22 Jan 2023 in linuxtutorialsdocker

Docker is a platform for developers and system administrators to develop, ship, and run applications in containers. Containers are lightweight, portable, and self-sufficient environments that allow applications to run consistently across different environments. It allows developers to package their...

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