I recommend you back up all your data or take a snapshot of the current install before following along and performing the upgrade.
If you are using a third-party repository, please check if the third-party packages are compatible with the upgrade, or else the packages may break.
Homebrew is a third-party package manager that lets you install apps and services using the command line on macOS. This saves time and makes it easier to manage third-party software.
In simple words, Homebrew completes MacOS if you are a Linux user you know what I am talking about and you would lo...
This article will cover how to install NVIDIA drivers on Rocky Linux 9.
This is a step by step tutorial.
In order for the driver to install and work correctly you need to disable secure boot, this is by design.
First we need to get EPEL enabled, we can do this with the command below.
sudo dn...
If the Windows search bar is not working for you, here is how to fix it. These steps don't need a restart.
Steps to resolving the issue. -----------...If you have stopped using Autodesk products, you might have uninstalled all the programs you no longer use, but wait; there is more. Autodesk never lets you uninstall Autodesk Genuine Service from your computer. You have to uninstall it manually. The uninstaller will launch when executing it, but it...