Darryl Dias

02 Jul 2023 in blenderwindowstutorials

You can learn more about what Winget is over here.

Install Blender using Winget

Step 1. Open Command Prompt
You can open the command prompt by pressing the Windows key + R and then typing in that window cmd.exe and press enter.

Step 2. Run the install command shown below and press enter

winget install BlenderFoundation.Blender

To install the LTS version of Blender, go for the command below.

winget install BlenderFoundation.Blender.LTS

The commands above will download the Blender setup files and run the setup as administrator, and then you have to press yes. This will install the latest or LTS version of Blender on your Windows computer based on what you choose.

Now you can open the Start menu or double-click the icon on the desktop to launch Blender.