Darryl Dias

07 Apr 2021 in

Jekyll is a free and open-source static site generator written in Ruby. It is popularly known for being used to power the GitHub Pages service.

I switched my testing machine to Fedora 34 to test Gnome 40 and to work on some web development projects. In that process, I discovered that setting up Jekyll requires more steps to get working on Fedora.

Step 1. We need to get the dependencies required to get Jekyll working.

Enter the command below:

<pre class="wp-block-code">```
sudo dnf install ruby rubygems ruby-devel gcc gcc-c++ rpm-build

Step 2. Installing Jekyll and Bundler.
sudo gem install jekyll bundler

Let's create a Jekyll site file system.

jekyll new jsite

Setting the jsite folder as the current directory.

cd jsite/ 

Build the jsite.

jekyll b

That's it, folks; build an excellent static site. If this article helped you create a particular website or project, leave a link to the project in the comments below, I would love to see it.

Thank you for reading. If you have any questions or want to discuss the topic further, feel free to leave a comment below.